Breadcrumb Home Research Areas of Focus Research By Faculty Research By Faculty Research By Faculty InvestigatorResearch InitiativeAdams, HaroldBlood clots & intracerebral hemorrhageAnderson, StevenTraumatic Brain Injury & DementiaBuchanan, Gordon (Lab link)Sleep, Serotonin & SUDEPSleep/Wake Mechanisms; Circadian BiologyDenburg, NatalieAging & Decision Making, Alzheimer's DiseaseDyken, EricStroke & Sleep ApneaGeerling, JoelPhysiologic functions (sleep, appetite, temperature regulation)Granner, MarkSUDEP, EpilepsyLeira, EnriqueNIH StrokeNet director; helicopter transport & strokeNance, ChristopherNeuropathic painNarayanan, Kumar (Lab link)Dopamine & Cognitive FunctionParkinson’s Disease & Cognitive DysfunctionOrtega-Gutierrez, Santiago (Lab link)Inverventional Neuroradiology / StrokeRicherson, George (Lab link)Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP); Serotonin & SeizuresSainju, RupSeizures & Coma; SUDEPSamaniego, EdgarInverventional Neuroradiology / StrokeShim, HyungSubPrimary Progressive AphasiaShy, MichaelCharcot Marie Tooth Syndrome; NeurogeneticsSwenson, AndreaAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisTranel, Daniel Cognitive Neuroscience, Alzheimer's DiseaseUc, ErgunParkinson’s Disease & Exercise; DrivingWessel, Jan (Lab link)Frontal Cortex & Response to Novel SituationsParkinson’s Disease & Cognitive DysfunctionYamada, ThoruAdequacy of computer interpretation of long term bed side EEG recordingPrediction of aversive outcome by intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoringYeh, MalcolmAdequacy of computer interpretation of long term bed side EEG recordingPrediction of aversive outcome by intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring