Neuromuscular & Neurogenetics

Neurology Annual Symposium on Neurogenetics


Sahs Lecture

  • Adolph Sahs was an expert in cerebrovascular disease, and was one of the 4 horseman of Neurology who helped create the Academy of Neurology.
  • Sahs Symposium 2015 recording (login required)

Stoppelmoor Lecture


Comprehensive Epilepsy Management at Iowa 

Doug Granner Memorial Symposium

  • Mark Granner, MD is the director of the Iowa Comprehensive Epilepsy Program.

The University of Iowa Regional Electroneurodiagnostic Forum

Movement Disorders

Allied Team Training for Parkinson's

  • The Allied Team Training for Parkinson’s conference is a semi-annual national meeting to augment education of health care providers on Parkinson’s disease and facilitate interdisciplinary care.


Ramon & Victoria Lim Medical Science Lectureship

Ojemann Lectureship

  • This lecture is sponsored in recognition of Dr. George Ojemann, distinguished alumnus of the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.

William Talman, MD, Lecture on Basic Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology

  • Dr. William Talman retired from the University of Iowa in March 2017, after 33 years as a faculty member in the Department of Neurology. His clinical specialty was autonomic disorders. The annual “William Talman, MD, Lecture on Basic Neuroscience in Clinical Neurology” was established in 2017 in Dr. Talman’s honor through the Iowa Neuroscience Institute.

Baden Lecture

  • This is a lectureship that was started by Wayne Baden in 2008, in honor of his wife Kay Baden, who developed Alzheimer's disease later in life.  Wayne and Kay were both born in Iowa, Wayne in Lake City, and Kay in Brooklyn, and the two met at Coe College.  Wayne later attended medical school at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.  He was subsequently drafted into the army, and later became and OBGYN doctor and practiced in Texas for many years.  The lectureship is also honored by their daughter Karen, and her husband Tom Parker.