Thursday, April 22, 2021

On April 22, Lud Gutmann, MD, led a session entitled "Haiku Cares" at the American Academy of Neurology (virtual) annual conference. The session, led with the help of Leah Acosta, MD (Vanderbilt University), focused on writing poetry, and ended with a 20-minute mini-workshop in writing haiku. The workshop boasted a 50+ person turnout and resulted in excellent participation in the writing exercise. The hope is that next year's meeting will return to its usual face-to-face format, wherein the session will be expanded to a 3-hour layout.

For registered participants of this year's AAN conference, the recorded session is available via the "On Demand" feature, and can be found under the HeadTalks section, with the title "Haiku Cares? Write Creatively, Fight Burnout, and Submit Work to Humanities."